The Things We Do
Married Dominance and submission
TTWD – The Things We Do. Mr. Fox and I participate in something we call Married Dominance and submission. We created a method, NOT “the method”, but a very successful and time proven method for couples to use to create their own unique D|s-M dynamics.
We are the founders of and, website communities for married wives and husbands. We have incorporated and practiced BDSM/D|s-M into our marriage since 2012. I had an awaking happen after reading Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy. As I was reading, a perfect storm was happening at this time in my life. First, my stage of life was changing, I was entering Midlife. My kiddos were quickly aging out of my care, becoming young adults. Secondly, I woke up one day, an individual again, after being just part of a whole for 16 years. Finally, our marriage had become stale, stagnant and robotic at best. In essence when I woke up, I woke up a stranger to myself and also next to a stranger, my husband. He had become a stranger that no longer connected with. I had mentally checked out of the marriage. Soon to be a victim of “Gray Divorce.”
We both founded our individual blogs. Almost from their inception their popularity was remarkable. There definitely was a need for Married Dominance and submission communities. A place to learn and meet others that share in the same values, MidLife, Married & Monogamous.
Mr. Fox and I also are passionate in the belief that if you become a “better version of you”, it carries over into your professional and personal life as well. You become a better employee, a better wife, a better husband, a better parent… the list goes on and on. With that thought, we went back to school and became Life Coaches and are using coaching skills along with our mentoring abilities within our communities.
Our Journey overtime has became a mission to incorporate BDSM with healthy relationship foundations for couples to use and enrich their marriages. We now are expanding further into adding some of the practices of Tantric along with sexual positions of the Kama Sutra to our already magical D|s-M lifestyle. We both know that you have to forever be the student and expand your understandings so that you can get the “MORE” out of yourself and your marriage.